Un cop hagis escrit allò que vols cercar, se't mostraran els suggeriments. Fes servir les fletxes amunt i avall per donar una ullada a tots els suggeriments. Per seleccionar-ne un, prem Retorn. Si el fragment seleccionat és una oració, se cercarà aquest text. Si el suggeriment és un enllaç, el navegador obrirà la pàgina.
Com es fa?

Fes que et ploguin les reserves

The best type of listing is one that’s filled. Here’s how to make it easier for guests to book your place.

Show you’ve got what guests want

Make your listing more appealing by doing things like verifying your internet speed and accommodating for guests with children and pets or accessibility needs.

Stay on top of timing

If a guest is struggling to request certain dates, make sure they’re available on your calendar. Be sure to respond to inquiries and trip requests within 24 hours—if you miss one, here’s what to do.

Pre-approve or send a special offer

When someone sends you an inquiry about certain dates, simplify booking by pre-approving their stay and sending an invite, or sweeten the deal with a special offer.

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