Un cop hagis escrit allò que vols cercar, se't mostraran els suggeriments. Fes servir les fletxes amunt i avall per donar una ullada a tots els suggeriments. Per seleccionar-ne un, prem Retorn. Si el fragment seleccionat és una oració, se cercarà aquest text. Si el suggeriment és un enllaç, el navegador obrirà la pàgina.
Com es fa?

Com puc afegir les instruccions per a l'arribada i per a la sortida al meu anunci?

You can add or update the check-in and checkout instructions for your listing in your arrival editor. Guests will see your check-in method (such as smart lock, keypad, or lock box) but they won't see the detailed check-in instructions until 48 hours before check-in. The checkout instructions are available to guests prior to booking.

Afegeix les instruccions per a l'arribada

  1. Fes un clic a Anuncis i selecciona l'anunci que vols modificar.
  2. A l'editor d'anuncis, fes clic a Guia per a l'arribada.
  3. Fes clic a Mètode d'accés i selecciona l'opció que vulguis.
  4. Afegeix les instruccions per a l'arribada.
  5. Fes clic a Desa.

Check-in method options

Options available for check-in methods include:

  • Smart lock: A code or app is used to open a wifi-connected lock.
  • Keypad: Tap in a code to open an electronic lock.
  • Lockbox: A code opens a small safe with the key locked inside.
  • Building staff: Someone will be available 24 hours a day to let guests in.
  • In-person greeting: Guests will meet you or a Co-Host to pick up keys.
  • Other: You can add a different method specific to your place.

Note: Self check-in may not be available in all countries.

Afegir les instruccions per a la sortida

  1. Fes un clic a Anuncis i selecciona l'anunci que vols modificar.
  2. A l'editor d'anuncis, fes clic a la Guia per a l'arribada.
  3. Fes clic a les Instruccions per a la sortida i, després, selecciona Afegeix les instruccions.
  4. Selecciona les opcions que vols i clica Desa.

Checkout instructions options

Keep it simple or add up to 140 characters of optional details, let guests know what to do when they checkout.

  • Return keys: Tell your guests where to leave the keys.
  • Lock up: Ask guests to lock the doors or close the windows.
  • Turn things off: From the lights to the heating, detail what needs to be shut off.
  • Throw trash away: Does the trash need to be sorted? Let your guests know.
  • Gather used towels: Advise guests about how to deal with used towels.
  • Additional requests: Add anything specific to your place.
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