Un cop hagis escrit allò que vols cercar, se't mostraran els suggeriments. Fes servir les fletxes amunt i avall per donar una ullada a tots els suggeriments. Per seleccionar-ne un, prem Retorn. Si el fragment seleccionat és una oració, se cercarà aquest text. Si el suggeriment és un enllaç, el navegador obrirà la pàgina.
Com es fa?

Com puc saber si el meu mètode de cobrament està llest?

It usually takes fewer than 7 business days for a new payout method to receive payouts—you can find the verification time for each payout method. When your payout method's status shows as Ready, it can receive payouts. 

Please note: For some hosts who haven't yet added a payout method, you'll need to add your taxpayer information first in order to get the option to add a payout method. Find out more.

If your payout method isn’t working, it may be pending or have an error:

  • Pending: If you just added a payout method or updated an existing one, we’ll send an email when it’s all set up.
  • Error: Sometimes you may need to update a payout method or add more info. If a payout method isn’t working, you can remove it and try adding it again, or add a new one.

Note: In some countries, we'll confirm your account info by depositing a small amount (less than $1 USD) before sending you a payout. We usually do this when a new payout method is added.

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